A reader writes: “I am constantly having to use limited resources to conduct training when and where possible. Is all training good?”

You are wise to be concerned about getting the most value from the training investment since you are paying workers to learn. The goal should be to help them to be more effective and efficient. The short answer is “absolutely not!” The longer is answer is “it depends on many factors that we will try to address in this article.”

First of all, you are using an emotional term “good” which really does not address the true question. A better question might be “is all training effective?” and the answer is back to “it depends.” The reason I say that all training is not good or effective is that it assumes that the training is correct for the audience being trained. An example is that it would probably be a waste of time to train a person assigned to pulling trash and vacuuming to an intense course in hard floor stripping/recoating unless your intent is to move them into that position in the near future. It would also be a waste of resources to require a floor tech to spend a lot of time learning how to pull trash and service their vacuum cleaner unless it is part of a cross-training strategy.

Another area of concern is who is doing the training? What are their qualifications? Do they know how to train in custodial best practices? Too often I see supervisors assigning a new hire to be “trained” by a worker who shows them when and where to hide rather than on how to be effective and efficient. I have attended sessions where the instructor basically read the Power Points to us and admitted they did not know much about the subject being covered. Bummer.

Your comments and questions are important. I hope to hear from you soon. Until then, keep it clean…

Mickey Crowe has been involved in the industry for over 35 years. He is a trainer, speaker and consultant. You can reach Mickey at 678-314-2171 or CTCG50@comcast.net.