What steps do you have in place for succession planning and the future of your department?

I have incorporated training on some of my job duties for the Building Operations supervisors. I take one of my job duties, explain it to the supervisors, have them watch me perform the duty, and then I assign them a “trial” task similar in nature. After that, I’ll review the assignment individually with each of them.  I am currently training them on how to develop a Request for Quote and Request for Proposal. 
I also meet with current frontline employees who have exhibited extraordinary work performance and leadership skills for the possibility of their entrance into a supervisory position with Milwaukee Public Schools.
No matter what managers are currently doing, I cannot stress enough the importance of networking. This can be locally by getting involved in associations, or over the internet and email. The sharing of ideas can provide answers that one may have never uncovered without networking with our peers.
— Michael Gutierrez, Manager of Building Operations, Milwaukee Public Schools

An organization should be structured so that all employees are growing in responsibility and performance. Where possible, the department should be developing staff to take on new roles and responsibilities.
— Steve Spencer, Facilities Specialist, State Farm Insurance

I do recommend networking with other managers through any means possible (IEHA is a great venue). This is a great way to vent frustration, share experiences, both positive and negative, or ask questions. If others have already experienced a particular situation, it is much easier to learn from them rather than reinventing the wheel. I believe that every manager needs to be involved in some sort of group.
— Doreen Bessert, C.E.H., Worksite Placement Coordinator, Custodial Supervisor & Central Purchasing Agent, Maitowoc County DPW

When looking at the future of the department, I first make a point to identify staff members that are interested in growth and leadership. Once identified, it is essential to partner with management, supervisors and floor technicians to develop mentorship opportunities.
Work with staff to address topics such as indoor air quality, sustainability, recycling, integrated pest control, cleaning, disinfecting, sanitzing and demonstrating the broad array of housekeeping.
Encourage staff members to see that housekeeping is a business, which is seeking those with potential to take the department to the next level.
— Ada Baldwin, M.R.E.H., Director for University Housekeeping, North Carolina State University

Every department or organization has informal leaders (co-workers who are not in a formal leadership role). It is important for management to recognize who these potential leaders are and begin to mentor them for a future role that will reward them for their leadership.
— J. Darrel Hicks, R.E.H., Director of Environmental Services & Patient Transport, St. Luke’s Hospital

We have taken an inventory of all the department critical functions and roles and make sure we do not have any that are only one deep. If so, we train someone or give them the necessary experience to take over that particular function or role.
We have goals for ongoing developmental training for all leaders and are creating a leadership development program for front-line staff that want to promote to supervisor or higher and who may not have the qualifications. We give everyone an opportunity to learn and grow by their engagement and participation in teams, process improvement, committees, etc. We also communicate and create plans for those with potential to step into higher-level positions when vacancies occur.
— Gene Woodard, R.E.H., Director of Building Services, University of Washington

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