How do you handle complaints between staff members?

Complaints should be investigated immediately by a building operations supervisor to determine what the infraction is and whether or not it is valid. Once that is determined, a resolution may be more training or a coaching conversation, a supervisory conference, issuance of an incident report, referral to the Employee Assistance Program, Milwaukee Public School Office of Compliance, or disciplinary action.
— Michael Gutierrez, Manager of Building Operations, Milwaukee Public Schools

Listen to the employee then say, "So, if I bring so-and-so in here, what do you suppose they'll say about what happened?" If the complaining staff member is honest, you will know whether or not to bring the other employee into the room. I almost always bring the other employee into the meeting and have the complaining employee tell the same story again in the presence of the employee they are complaining about.  But, there are ground rules, as I call them. You can only talk about the problem; you can't complain about the person. Only one employee can talk at a time so there can be no interruptions. Each will have an opportunity to present his or her own viewpoint. And things have to be kept on a professional level.
— J. Darrel Hicks, R.E.H., Director of Environmental Services & Patient Transport, St. Luke’s Hospital

We have compliant forms and many different ways for a person to submit a complaint. We have protocols in place that explain each person’s role in sustaining successful working relationship. If things go astray, we conduct investigations or fact-finding involving at least two leaders and sometimes members of our human resources team. The union also gets involved if it reaches this level. We report our findings to all parties involved and take appropriate follow-up action, which can include a variety of outcomes.
— Gene Woodard, R.E.H., Director of Building Services, University of Washington

It is important to approach each complaint directly in a counseling manner.
— Steve Spencer, Facilities Specialist, State Farm Insurance

The first thing is to investigate the legitimacy of the complaint and respond as needed. The result might be a coaching conversation, re-training, EAP referral or is there just cause for discipline.
— Doreen Bessert, C.E.H., Worksite Placement Coordinator, Custodial Supervisor & Central Purchasing Agent, Maitowoc County DPW

Dependent upon the type of complaint, human resources may need to be notified immediately for investigation and resolution. In other cases an internal investigation of the complaint is as follows:
Listen to and gather information from staff members for validity. This includes interviewing both sides:  individuals making complaints and person(s) that are being accused regarding the complaints.
Follow up with human resources to discuss complaints and findings.
Involve human resources in determining if disciplinary action is warranted.
If disciplinary action is warranted proceed according to policy and procedure.
— Ada Baldwin, M.R.E.H., Director for University Housekeeping, North Carolina State University

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Tips To Training New Staff
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Advice For Disciplining Difficult Employees