Most customers are reasonable and honest with the goal of getting their money’s worth from the FSP (Facility Service Provider) so that their phone does not ring.  Unfortunately, some building  and owners can be tempted to over promise to valued tenants and then force the unwitting FSP into going beyond the contract or face termination.  I honestly believe that the best tools in this situation are relationship building and education.  


Relationship building has to do building trust by investing time in the customer to determine what his challenges are in the building.  It may not necessarily be budget since a property manager will oftentimes spend money in order to acquire or retain a good tenant.  They may have had unsatisfactory experiences with past custodial service providers who over promised and then wasted their time arguing instead of fixing.  Yes, there are still unscrupulous service providers out there as well as inexperienced well intended vendors as well.  The inexperienced vendor will improve over time so long as he/she does not make a fatal error that overloads his budget and forces him into bankruptcy.  The unscrupulous service provider may use other tactics that harms the entire industry’s image.  Earning your customer’s trust is an ongoing endeavor worth the effort.


Education is a combination of educating yourself and your staff in custodial best practices while sharing with the customer information that impacts them and establishes your credibility.  An example is that although many customers want to go green they do not understand what is involved.


Be a professional with high standards and integrity in all you do.  You may not get every contract but you will be appreciated and referred by those looking for quality rather than smoke and mirrors.


Your comments and questions are important. I hope to hear from you soon. Until then, keep it clean…


Mickey Crowe has been involved in the industry for over 35 years. He is a trainer, speaker and consultant. You can reach Mickey at 678-314-2171 or