You should never store a chemical in any container than the one it came in. One exception to that rule is that if you use “Buddy Jugs” which is a way of having a five gallon container with RTU (ready to use) chemicals they should have a secondary (crack and peel) label provided by the manufacturer. Use extreme caution in putting a different chemical into a spray bottle that contained some other product. The worst case is when a worker innocently puts glass cleaner in a bottle that had an oil based product thereby guaranteeing the contamination of the glass cleaner. Another caution is not to pour chemicals into water bottles, milk cartons or other containers since a child can ingest it with fatal results. I knew of three junior high school kids who were involved in an afterschool program who found a gallon jug of vodka on a back shelf in the janitor closet. Two died and the other suffered brain damage from which he will never recover. The school system is probably still paying off the multi-million dollar law suit.

As to storage, all chemicals, including the new green, safe products should be locked in a janitor closet or storage cabinet with limited access. It is very important that chemicals be kept away from children, young people and animals. It may be difficult but all spray bottles should be kept secure since kids may use them as water pistols causing eye damage and other injuries. Always store in a cool, dry place away from sources of flame such as water heaters, stoves and anything that could ignite vapors. Although it sounds obvious, be sure to keep away from sources of food and food preparation areas as well.

The goal is always safety.

Your comments and questions are important. I hope to hear from you soon. Until then, keep it clean...

Mickey Crowe has been involved in the industry for over 35 years. He is a trainer, speaker and consultant. You can reach Mickey at 678-314-2171 or