As an exercise with your team, you might work up your own list of tips for your crew and incorporate them into your regular training.  Consider making it a part of your culture.  Following are some tips to consider:

1. Have high standards.  Train/train/train

2. Document your Quality Control inspections using a 0-100 scale.

3. Know when (and who) to ask for help.

4. Purchase quality chemicals that will require less rework (Example: quality floor finish).

5. Purchase and use quality mops/pads/tools that do not fail or lose effectiveness. 

6. Keep baseboards clean and free of finish build up.

7. Demand walk off mats – keep them clean!!!

8. Document all daily work with times broken into 15-30 minute increments.

9. Document all periodic work with specified deadlines for completion.

10. Keep in close contact with your key tenants and managers.

11. Cultivate a healthy relationship with all your vendors for training and support.

12. Periodically rebalance (at least every six months) all your larger accounts to identify waste and find savings.

13. Improve communication by developing a web site that allows requests, complaints and other comments to be easily received.

14. Check with your vendors for free or low cost management software to track inventory, maintenance, equipment location and age.

15. Develop a living business plan that projects growth over the next six to twelve months for staffing, training and management development.

16. Your tip: _________________

Each person will have different tips based on their own experiences and goals.  Refining and implementing those that suit you best is the next step. 

Your comments and questions are always welcome.  I hope to hear from you soon.  Until then, keep it clean…


Mickey Crowe has been involved in the industry for over 35 years. He is a trainer, speaker and consultant. You can reach Mickey at 678.314.2171 or