The use of green cleaning products helps preserve the environment. But the use of these products alone is just step one. Manufacturers are now examining their products’ complete lifecycle and taking an eco-conscious approach to each step in an effort to create not just green, but sustainable products. Sustainability includes reducing the amount of energy used in the creation, shipping, use and disposal of the product. In addition, products that allow cleaning professionals to use less of the product, for instance touch-free dispensers that distribute less soap or toweling, or microfiber that uses fewer chemicals, are viewed as sustainable as well. Being renewable is another way products are sustainable. For example, using plant-based ingredients in chemicals rather than petroleum or using bamboo, which grows faster, for mop handles rather than traditional wood. Manufacturers that harvest trees for products are also preserving forests or planting new ones. Finally, sustainability means using recycled products in the manufacturing process such as post-consumer plastic resins in waste receptacles, post-consumer recycled polyester in mop heads or post-consumer paper fiber in towels. Manufacturers also promote recycling