Knowing the daily task hours and the periodic task hours are crucial if the account is to stay in budget.  This one bit of information is crucial if they are to stay in budget.  For example, if the building is budgeted 15,600 Direct Labor Hours per year that means they have 300 DLH per week and 60 per day (assuming a 5 x week contract with one 8 hour cycle within each 24 hour period).  First of all, does the 60 DLH include project work (contracted stripping/recoating, carpet care, blinds, etc.) that is only conducted monthly or quarterly?  If so, then the Supervisor must set aside (bank) 2-3 hours per day so that when the work is conducted, the account does not go over budget for the year.  Instead of having 60 DLH per night, he/she may only have 56 or even less for the daily tasks leaving the rest for periodic tasks.

Another factor the onsite Supervisor must take into account is how the site is work-loaded?  This can be impacted by whether the crews are full time or part time, zone or team cleaning, day porter or all scheduled at night.  A big challenge for the Supervisor is to identify all the tasks to be performed and schedule work to either comply with the requirements in the contract or what best accomplishes the required tasks at the best times.  For instance, a Day Porter can conduct a lot of dusting, touch up work and even Rest Room supply stocking during the day so that the night crews do not have to perform those functions.  

One suggestion is to have a sign in/out sheet that also covers any breaks from the job beyond the customary breaks, lunch, etc.  Once he/she compares the Actual daily Direct Labor Hours to the Budgeted can they accurately know if they are on track for the night, week, month and year.  

Your comments and questions are always welcome.  I hope to hear from you soon.  Until then, keep it clean…


Mickey Crowe has been involved in the industry for over 35 years. He is a trainer, speaker and consultant. You can reach Mickey at 678.314.2171 or