This article is a continuation of the difference between scheduling and workloading.

Scheduling takes place when the workloading has been accomplished with every task listed for the week, month and even year based on a careful understanding of the specifications. Make sure that you discuss and clarify any unclear specs that state “trash cans are to be emptied at all times” or the use of always and as needed since they can be easily abused by a well-intended customer expecting to get their money’s worth. For instance, using our previous vacuuming example, you may need to clearly delineate to your staff what areas are to be thoroughly vacuumed each visit and what areas are to be spot vacuumed on a rotating basis (often called Quadrant Cleaning).

Scheduling also captures time frames of how long a worker should be on a task or in a given area. Note that the VIP sections will require more time than basic areas due to expectations and need for a high appearance level. Restrooms can seldom be neglected but once you implement Quadrant Cleaning and a good microfiber system you can usually speed up the times there as well.

As to speed, I try to train my workers to think in two speeds. One speed is slow and thorough for the front entrance and high traffic areas that need more contact time than other less traveled or used areas. If they try to go slow and thorough throughout the account they are losing valuable time and not really accomplishing any better results in most cases. Of course, the type equipment they are using is important as well. One of the most expensive pieces of equipment you can own is a cheap upright vacuum unit that simply does not compare to a quality back pack in productivity.

Mickey Crowe has been involved in the industry for over 35 years. He is a trainer, speaker and consultant. You can reach Mickey at 678-314-2171 or