Frequent cleaning using careful processes and well-performing products is essential to preventing cross-contamination and it is especially important in pandemic prevention as all eyes are on cleaning as a preventative method to fighting off infections such as the H1N1 virus. Cleaning with these tips in mind will go a long way to minimize the spread of infections and bacteria.

First, cleaners should reinforce the importance of proper hand washing for both staff and building occupants by posting signage in restrooms.

When cleaning, allow for proper dwell time. Be sure disinfectants and sanitizers stay on surfaces long enough — and according manufacturers’ instructions — and educate cleaning crews about the necessary contact time for each chemical.

Always use the right tool. Cleaning multiple areas with the same supplies will quickly spread microorganisms throughout a facility. For example, use a designated cloth for the interior of the toilet and a totally different cloth for the exterior.

Stop pollutants before they enter the building by keeping entryways clean and by using walk-off mats. Make sure to also clean door handles and other fixtures on a regular basis.

Finally, keep janitorial closets organized and clean so pathogens don’t attach themselves to cleaning equipment and spread throughout the building.