Plan B usually deals with a modest adjustment of 20 to 30 percent of the current charges with a focus on maintaining the overall cleanliness and appearance of the site.  If the account is in dire need of more radical cuts (50 percent or more), there must be a complete overhaul of the current SOW (Statement of Work) clearly recognizing this reality.  


Not only should the contracting point of contact buy in but the tenants/employees as well.  They need to understand that due to current challenges there will be major adjustments in services ranging from trash collection to vacuuming to even responding to spills.  All staff will be encouraged to do their part during this time by only using certain trash cans for food disposal and making sure that their activities do not add to clutter or unnecessary work. 


When practical, a meeting with everyone should be conducted only after management is in agreement with what will be said.  Unfortunately, some management will promise that there will be no changes in service to avoid taking blame for something that really is not their fault in most cases.  In the suggested meeting, management should present tenants/stakeholders with the current situation and they have decided to take ownership of this very important aspect of the support they provide.  They can state that they have directed the custodial staff to focus on the front entrance, restrooms and break rooms on each visit (which may be reduced) while cutting back or eliminating other tasks that will only be by request from this day forward.


Management can assure staff that this move is only temporary and that as the company pulls together, services will be restored as soon as possible.  We will continue to take a look at the differences in Plan A, B and C in future articles.


Your comments and questions are always welcome. I hope to hear from you soon. Until then, keep it clean...



Mickey Crowe has been involved in the industry for over 35 years. He is a trainer, speaker and consultant. You can reach Mickey at 678.314.2171 or