The definition of green is different depending who you ask. But in general, green business practices include reducing waste, saving energy, recycling packaging and reducing impacts on humans and the environment.

Dilution control systems are helping many facilities are going green. Not only are they safer for janitorial workers, as they prevent exposure to potentially harmful chemicals, but because they use concentrated chemicals, they reduce the number of containers used to store the product and reduce shipping and fuel costs. And those containers can be recycled. The systems also tend to be cost-saving. Do the math: the more concentrated a cleaning chemical is, the longer that chemical will last in a janitor’s closet. Higher dilution ratios equal savings when it comes to materials, shipping and dollars. Dilution control systems also eliminate product waste or over-use, and typically do not need servicing.

Heavily concentrated chemicals are not for all facilities, however. In a facility in which certain chemicals aren’t in large enough quantities or often enough, it’s best to check the shelf life of the chemical and buy an appropriately sized bottle.