Usually a crevice tool comes standard with the vacuum cleaner, but sometimes end users need to purchase one separately. It has a narrow opening and an angled tip for tight, hard-to-reach areas, such as corners, baseboards and between cushions.

“The crevice tool is handy for rooms with a lot of furniture or cushions that are sewn into the seats,” says Payne. “You can’t use the 1.5-inch diameter hose because it won’t fit into those tight spaces. You can also use it around chair legs and some of the hard-to-move or immovable furniture, especially in conference rooms.”

The crevice tool is also useful for outlining a room.

“If you take a room that’s 20 by 20 feet, the vacuum can do 19 by 19, but it can’t get the foot on each side because the suction is usually centered in the middle of the vacuum shoe,” says Jason Teigman, executive director of sales, Bio-Shine Inc., Spotswood, New Jersey. “So you’re really not able to get to the corners and edges using your standard upright, and that’s where a lot of your buildup is.”

Teigman recommends vacuuming the middle of the room and then coming back with the crevice attachment to do the perimeter of the room. He also suggests using attachments that have a curved design for better suction.

“Some of the classical upright vacuum attachments are on the diagonal, so when the attachment is flat on the surface it only extracts the area that it’s directly on,” he says. “The newer attachments have a bit of curvature, which allows for airflow, so when that opening hits the surface it creates a higher level of suction, drawing dirt into the attachment and making it more efficient.”

Dusting Tool

According to distributor sales reps, the dusting tool is another essential attachment in the end user’s arsenal. This tool is approximately 3 inches in circumference with soft bristles or fabric.

“High dusting has become something that’s transitioning from dusters to using extension wands and duster attachments to clean off ceiling fan blades, overhead pipes and cobwebs in upper corners of rooms and stairwells,” says Allen.

A dusting tool is one of the most frequently requested attachments, says Payne.

“Everyone asks for it, because everyone has vents,” he says. “You can also use it on top of shelves that you can’t reach to spray and wipe, and it’s great for picking up crumbs if you have people eating at their desks.”

Using a dusting tool to clean ducts or vents also promotes better indoor air quality — another selling point for distributors.

“When the HVAC is turned on, it pushes air and dust into the room,” says Teigman. “By using these attachments to keep vents dust free, you’re less likely to blow more dust into the air.”

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Make Sure Customers Have A Hard Surface Tool
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Vacuum Extension Wand And Other Tools