Understanding odor elimination technology and product differentiation are essential components of long-lasting customer relationships, but distributors can further elevate their value as a reliable source of guidance by understanding how cleaning plays a role in helping to address odor issues.

One way of doing so, Strazdas says, is identifying sources within facilities that are known to retain marijuana and tobacco odors — even if effective elimination setups are already in place. Soft surfaces in hospitality settings can be a particularly noteworthy culprit.

“Headboards, curtains and the undersides of furniture are just a few common sources of marijuana odors,” says Strazdas. “Smoke goes everywhere, so even the walls need to be cleaned on a regular basis in order to keep the odor at bay. While the residue on surfaces from smoke isn’t technically surface damage, some people will interpret it as such. That’s another reason why surfaces need to receive a good cleaning periodically.”

Piucci agrees, adding that soft surfaces should receive regular frequencies of water-soluble sprays to alleviate deeply trapped odors.

“Bathrooms can be especially prone with shower curtains, because most usually have a secondary cloth curtain on the outside that can trap odors,” says Piucci.

While each expert agrees on the importance of marijuana odor elimination and the variety of situational treatments to do so, such strategies can ultimately prove ineffective if incorrectly applied. It’s up to the distributors and manufacturers to collaborate with end-users and turn a one-time inquiry into a longstanding partnership.

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