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Green and sustainability continue to grow and change, and the cleaning industry has been forced to change along with it. To gauge how green and sustainable innovations have impacted in-house departments, we asked custodial executives in K-12 schools, colleges/universities, as well as healthcare, commercial, hospitality and government facilities about their thoughts on green and sustainable initiatives. Below are their responses.

Questions included:
• For each of the following green and sustainable initiatives, please choose very important, somewhat important, or not important at this time.
• What green and sustainable practices are currently in place at your facility?
• How long have you had a green cleaning program in place at your facility?
• For the following statements, please answer yes or no.
• Do you do whatever you can to incorporate green products into your cleaning program?
• Do you buy/use products that contribute to the sustainable goals within your department (products which are green in their manufacturing, use and disposal)?
• If you are not currently buying/using products that contribute to sustainability, to you plan on implementing these products in the next 12 months?
• What types of green/sustainable products are currently being used in your department?
• Is it important to you to buy products from manufacturers or distributors who themselves embrace sustainable initiatives?
• How has you facility benefited from the use of green products?
• Do you struggle with illustrating/communicating green cleaning successes and ROOI to upper management?

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