Restrooms are one area that is in need of frequent disinfection; a challenging proposition given that these facilities are in constant use in the mass transit space.

“During our busy periods, we clean the restrooms every 30 minutes,” says Gawin. “We cannot afford to get behind.”

Searcy recommends giving restrooms a thorough clean at least once a day using a no-touch cleaning system, as well as hospital-grade disinfectant, and then employing an attendant to keep a watchful eye on the facility throughout the day.

“As a spill happens, they can get it cleaned up immediately and touch-up as they go, because you can’t necessarily do a thorough clean when people are going in and out all the time,” Searcy says.

Sometimes these facilities can be shut down for brief periods for cleaning; at other times they cannot, so it’s important to schedule cleaning times accordingly, he adds.

Some transit facilities have begun using anti-microbial copper-alloy touch surfaces and other materials with anti-microbial features to help limit the spread of pathogens. Door knobs, push plates, railings, faucets and more are available in these materials, which studies have found can reduce disease transmission by more than 50 percent.

However, when such surfaces are not available, disinfectants can be used to combat germs on high-touch surfaces. According to Searcy, there are disinfectants that kill pathogens and then remain on the surface for 30-plus days to kill live viruses and bacteria. 

Coverall employs a color-coded microfiber cloth system and no-dip microfiber flat mop to clean throughout the day. When the mop pad gets dirty, instead of dipping it and rinsing it in the same water, the cleaner removes the pad and applies a new one until it gets soil-loaded and needs replacing.

“This way we are not spreading soil, we’re picking it up and removing it,” says Searcy.

The microfiber cloths used to wipe the restroom work the same way. These cloths are color-coded with one color used to clean toilets and urinals, and another color to clean other surfaces. There’s also a color designated for the times when cleaners must wipe up blood-borne pathogens.

“This prevents cleaners from doing things like wiping a counter with a cloth that’s been used on a toilet,” says Searcy. “We also have a number system on the cloth. Each side has a number, and when the soil loads, you can turn over the cloth and have a clean surface.”

Signage in the restroom can enlist patrons in helping to keep areas clean and disease free, says Gawin. Sky Harbor posts signage with QR codes that users can scan with their smartphones to let the custodial team know when the restroom needs cleaning.

“These notifications are sent out electronically, and a custodian is sent to the restroom immediately,” she says.

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Using Teams To Clean Busy Transit Hubs
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Deep Cleaning After Hours In Transportation Terminals