BSCs shouldn’t avoid deep cleaning mass-transit centers. Slow periods, generally during the third shift, tend to be a good time for deep cleaning. This is when cleaners can tackle what they didn’t get to during the day.

To ensure a quick turnaround, use high-productivity equipment and fast-acting products, says Kennedy. Low-moisture carpet cleaning equipment can handle carpeted areas like airport terminals and lounges. No-touch cleaning systems can scrub and sanitize the facilities’ restrooms to ready them for another day.

Autoscrubbers and burnishers can touch up floors and keep them shiny and new.
This is also the time when janitor closets and carts can be restocked so that these items are readily available for the busy day ahead.

“One of the tough issues in mass transit facilities is the movement of resources and equipment,” says Kennedy. “You need to have materials and supplies stocked and in close proximity to the deployment areas.”

Hand washing remains one of the best defenses against germs and cross-contamination. BSCs need to be certain they provide a well-stocked restroom with soap, paper towels, and hand sanitizer.

“There’s not a lot of time to waste — when the window opens, your equipment needs to be mobile so that the area can be cleaned and ready for the next wave of traffic,” says Kennedy. 

In order to control the spread of infections in mass transit facilities, janitorial teams must be trained and ready.

“You need a well-organized game plan, flexibility built into that game plan, a management and supervision team out there monitoring what’s going on,” Kennedy says. “And you need to be flexible. It’s not a static environment, so you need to be ready to adjust as the situation requires it.”

Ronnie Garrett is a freelance writer based in Fort Atkinson, Wis. She is a frequent contributor to Contracting Profits.

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Transit Restrooms Need 'Round-the-clock Disinfection