Contracting Profits recently sat down for a chat with Eric Luke, CBSE, CPA and president of MG Capital Maintenance. Luke has just stepped in as the 2021 BSCAI president. In addition to discussing goals he has for his term, Contracting Profits asked Luke about the boom BSCAI has recently seen in its membership, benefits of joining and some of his favorite memories with the association.

Membership has grown quite a bit in the last two years. How do you plan to keep that momentum going? 

Membership grows when current members feel the value of what they are getting. The word is getting out and other BSCs want to be part of BSCAI. New members are the lifeblood of any organization, but the challenge is retaining them. That usually only happens when a new member gets engaged. And how does long term engagement occur? It occurs by being invited, participating, and finding worthwhile relationships.

One new action we plan to implement is the value of the town hall meetings we held during the 2020 pandemic. We think holding monthly virtual new member orientation receptions online will help new members meet the staff, find a mentor, and immediately gain some insight into what they can personally gain through their membership. And hopefully, they soon will learn the power of giving back and helping another struggling new member that later joins the association.

Why should building service contractors — new or established in the industry — join BSCAI?

Where else can they go to find like-minded entrepreneurs, business owners and folks who love being in an essential business that makes the world a better place to work and live? Here, BSCs can learn from others who started out like them, but are now operating thriving regional and national companies. They can rub shoulders with that smaller company that dominates in their smaller market because they have learned some key secrets of success, nuggets of wisdom that certainly can and will be gleaned by coming, networking and participating in our events.

What are some of the benefits of earning certifications available through BSCAI?

BSCAI offers several certifications and encourages members to study, learn and improve their knowledge of the industry. Most of the certifications are for mid-level or higher management, but we also added the Certified Site Supervisor program a year ago.

I reflect and laugh at the scarecrow who sought a brain and the wise wizard simply gave him a certificate! It gave the scarecrow confidence. Hopefully, certificates are more than a simple and confidence boost — they should be and ours are!

Certifications in and of themselves hopefully make us better at what we do. But they also establish and recognize effort and progression in a chosen industry. The process of learning, testing and achieving certification, builds character and confidence. It shows our customers that we are serious about what we do and that we will go the extra mile to study, learn, be challenged and grow.

What is one memory or experience that stands out as a highlight of your time with BSCAI?

The seminars and events of this association have carried me around the country and the world. In 1995, I was in Nashville, Tennessee, at the annual BSCAI Contracting Success Conference. My sisters and I sang a choral arrangement of "One Voice" with our father, who was the incoming president. That took some nerve to do that in front of one's peers. Fortunately, the singing did not end my opportunities with BSCAI!

In 2012, I traveled with the Board to Curitiba, Brazil. We then went on to Rio to try and unite our association with Latin American companies and promote good will and mutual awareness of our industry.

But as great as those times were, the best memories are simply being the recipient of good friends and wise council of service. I'm surrounded by BSC leaders who are giving of their time to make this a better profession.

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