Ace services every type of facility. The more the front door of a building opens, the more the dust builds up. 

In an industrial manufacturing facility, the warehouse is like a dust explosion, says Shor.

“The air vents closest to the door of any facility are the dustiest and you should focus on them because of all the foot traffic,” he says. “Dust accumulates according to how many employees work in the building, which is relative to how many times the door opens and closes.”

Car dealerships are the worst, says Shor. The dust builds up quickly because of how often the doors are opened. 

A car dealership with dust everywhere? That’s not the image dealerships want to portray and it’s a good way to lose customers quickly. High dusting should be a must when a company wants to make a good impression. 

High-level dusting isn’t an issue in hospitals and medical facilities because most rooms are protected by doors, says Shor.

It’s still a good idea to high dust health facilities because of the rampant possibility of someone acquiring an infection while they’re there. 

Businesses want people who come into their building — especially employees and customers — to come back. And those greeted with a haze of dust will likely be turned off. Clients have some work to do on their end, above what his cleaning staff does, says Shor.

“They need to change their air filters regularly,” he says. “Sometimes we see places where they haven’t been changed in years.”

Dust buildup affects employee morale. They complain more about their allergies. Then they sneeze, and the particulates circulate and easily target people because they now work in closer proximity than ever before. That all contributes to employee absenteeism and doesn’t do much for the company’s bottom line, either.

Visitors with allergies will have the same reactions and may not want to do business with the company in question.

The fastest and most cost-effective way for a BSC to separate from the competition is to offer high-dust extraction with backpack vacuums, says Shor. Ace has been successfully doing that for the past four and a half years.

“Everyone is looking for added value, and usually after I do the demo, they turn into a customer,” says Shor. “You have to differentiate yourself in this business.” 

Heather Larson is a freelance writer from Federal Way, Washington.


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Control Dust Using Backpack Vacuums