Bidding and field management software not only helps BSCs win and service accounts, but it supports future growth and expansion into new markets. According to Kegler, BSCs can utilize bidding software tools to create add-on sales proposals for existing customers.

“With preset bids in the system, I can make simple changes, such as adjusting the square footage, and come up with a bid for add-on services, such as cleaning interior and exterior windows,” Kegler explains. “I can show them our processes, standard operating procedures, and prices without having to give it too much thought. It’s a quick, efficient way to put together a professional bid.”

Contractors can also set up reminders to send out generic or customized bids to clients at certain times of the year regarding specific services.

“I’m from the Midwest, so in April when the snow melts, carpets are pretty gross,” says Kegler. “I can set a reminder on my calendar to email a proposal to all my customers about carpet cleaning.”

In addition to proposing new services, BSCs can use bidding templates to pursue new market opportunities, according to LaFrancis.

“Bidding software saves our customers a ton of time as they continue to grow,” she says. “Not only can they manage the business that they have, but they can also easily maneuver into new business and industries using the templates. For example, I can have a template for a school versus one for a hospital and customize it so that I can easily bid and make sure my prospects aren’t waiting for me.”

Internally, bidding and field management software can help bring new hires up to speed as well as disseminate knowledge to employees who are not usually involved in the sales process.

“If you have standardized systems and processes, new employees and sales team members can become contributors much more quickly because they’re using templates and leveraging institutional knowledge developed over the years,” says Pyne. “As a team, you can grow more quickly and propose new business in a sustainable manner that you’re more likely to deliver on.”

He adds that this can boost confidence levels for the BSC as well as the client, giving both the assurance of a reliable estimate.

Indeed, with the onset of the pandemic and its ensuing challenges, gaining a customer’s trust has taken on greater urgency. Fortunately, the use of technology can help BCSs convey a professional image to customers and fulfill their heightened expectations.

“In a world of COVID-19 where everyone is hyper-sensitive, it’s all about putting the customer at ease,” notes Brown. “If you’re using pen and paper, there’s no hope that you can convey and build that confidence with clients.”

As Brown points out, facility managers’ changing expectations about cleaning is a tremendous growth opportunity for BSCs.

“It’s a real turning point in the industry,” he notes. “BSCs now have the ability to build trust and confidence in what they’re doing by using software to prove what they’re saying.”

Kassandra Kania is a freelancer based in Charlotte, North Carolina. She is a frequent contributor to Contracting Profits.

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