In the next few articles we are going to look at different aspects of workloading, scheduling, job cards, quadrant cleaning and using the right equipment. When we think of workloading, we often tend to make it more complicated than it has to be. Of course some can be too simple as well. 

Based on the size of the account to be serviced, it can be a matter of directing an experienced cleaner to perform zone cleaning since it is too small for more than one person. In such a case the workloading has more to do with processes such as starting point, right to left, top to bottom, sweeping/mopping your way out of an area and performing only the required tasks.

Small accounts usually include routes that oftentimes will be bank branches, hair salons, doctors’ offices, clinics, insurance offices, government offices and other sites under 20,000 square feet. These sites can have high traffic with a relatively small staff. If they are storefront type units, they can have glass panels, ceramic or VCT tiles, matting and larger than usual waiting areas. They also can be serviced less than five times per week which requires more attention each visit.

Other concerns are independent security systems to set/reset, not having a real janitor closet, transporting all equipment and supplies, window of cleaning after 5:00 PM and before 12:00 AM, dealing with the local office manager, providing paper and plastic supplies and responding to special requests. Infrequent tasks such as window cleaning in/out, carpet care and strip/recoating floors need to be verified as part of the contract.

Wise management will still time the account to determine a amount of time it should take per visit to verify that enough time is being spent to accomplish the tasks. 

Your comments and questions are always welcome. I hope to hear from you soon. Until then, keep it clean…..


Mickey Crowe has been involved in the industry for over 35 years. He is a trainer, speaker and consultant. You can reach Mickey at 678.314.2171 or