With zone cleaning, each janitor is responsible for every cleaning task — from vacuuming to cleaning restrooms — in a given area, usually the entire floor. So, for example, in an eight-story building, a cleaning crew will require eight janitors, each equipped with their own tools — a costly scenario in terms of labor and products.

Also, each janitor will work at his or her own pace and as a result, those janitors who finish faster will be asked to help those still working. This can create conflict between janitors. And since no two janitors are alike, each one will clean to individual standards, making it hard to supervise a facility and achieve the same desired level of cleanliness.

However, with team cleaning, fewer employees, working as one unit, can clean the same amount of space. Each team member is responsible for a specific task — light-duty work, vacuuming, restroom cleaning or project work. Since janitors are concentrating on specific tasks, they can clean faster. It is also easier to supervise because all work is being done at the same standard. For example, one janitor is performing all the vacuuming. He will vacuum to the same standard on the first floor as he would the eighth floor.