A bid walk is crucial if you are to collect enough information to make a professional bid on any opportunity that comes available. Get into the habit of showing up early and try to attend as many bid walks as possible simply because you can learn a lot from the experience.


Other points to consider include:

• How did you learn about this opportunity?  

• Who is currently providing services and why is it being put out to bid?

• How would you rate the building/site as it is currently being maintained?

• Is this a Class A, B, C or other type facility that may require special training or services?

• Is it office space, manufacturing, warehouse, retail, grocery or ????

• Who else is interested in this opportunity?

• Is this a single building/space or are there other opportunities attached?

• What is the going rate for this type facility in your area?

• Do you have the resources/reserves/staff/training/credentials to manage the contract if you get it?

• How will this account fit into your overall mix of current business?

• How many days and what are the hours of service required?

• What are the security level requirements?

• Is it large enough to have its own supervisory team or will you have to assign it to an area supervisor?

• Are there any obvious challenges to submitting a competitive bid that could make this opportunity a losing proposition? 

• Although you should never criticize the incumbent vendor, can you do better for a competitive price?

• What is the attitude of the building manager?  Hostile?  Frustrated?  Anxious?

• Can you conduct a basic credit check to verify the account pays their bills on time or are they always in arrears?

• Do you really want this account?

• How badly do you want it and why?


Although these are just a few of the basic questions you need to ask, it is important that you make this a learning experience so that you can develop a “second sense” when it comes to evaluating each and every opportunity.  The bid walk can be a most informative time.  

Your comments and questions are important. I hope to hear from you soon. Until then, keep it clean.


Mickey Crowe has been involved in the industry for over 35 years.  He is a trainer, speaker and consultant. You can reach Mickey at 678.314.2171 or CTCG50@comcast.net.