When patrons enter a public restroom they expect to be greeted by a clean, fragrance-filled room. Sadly, that’s not always the case. Building occupants and visitors are often times met by pungent and unpleasant odors. As a result facilities are forced to implement odor control fragrance systems into their restrooms to make a patron’s visit more comforting. Fragrances can be used in a number of different ways — by mopping them onto the floor, or through blocks placed in toilets and urinals that apply enzymes and deodorizers with each flush. But the most popular deodorizing method continues to be spraying fragrance into the air through wall-mounted dispensers. With a plethora of fragrances to choose from, facility restrooms now have the option of smelling like ocean mist, fresh linen, butter cream or baby powder — a huge leap from the traditional pine, fruit or floral aromas. Although fragrances may make a visit to the restroom more comfortable for patrons, when introducing a new fragrance system into a restroom, consideration for others is important. What smells good to you can be completely offensive to someone else. So, facilities must compensate for people who are asthmatic or allergic to airborne products. Facilities are well-suited to use a product with a low perfume level that acts more like a counteractant than a cover-up. That’s because perfume fragrances are as much of an asthma trigger as bleach or ammonia.