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For those attendees who successfully complete a learning outcomes assessment, Trade Press Media Group is authorized by IACET to offer 0.1 CEUs for this program.

For a record of your attendance in this event please complete the assessment linked below. Upon successful completion of this assessment, you will receive a link to your CEU certificate for download.

This webcast will provide an in-depth understanding of universal practices and methods of combating the spread of infection in a variety of settings. The result: a healthier working environment for building occupants, increased morale, reduced absenteeism and greater productivity. The webcast will detail:

  • Learn about considerations specific to various types of facilities: schools, health care, hospitality, offices, etc.
  • Identify best practices in regards to certain cleaning methods
  • Analyze cleaning and disinfecting common touch-points, such as door knobs, keyboards, light switches, hand rails, etc.
  • Recognize ways to provide a clean and safe work environment for patients, students, and building occupants