mat facility

By demonstrating the benefits and functionality of matting to end users, distributors play a key role in helping to raise awareness about what constitutes proper matting. This would entail assessing the building to determine what types of matting are needed, where and why, and then discussing those findings, while explaining how the various mats work.  

“Proper matting programs can assist all buildings, regardless of location or time of year,” says Sawchuk. “These can help reduce the overall cost to clean, improve the health and safety of the occupants and visitors to the facility, and better protect the flooring assets in the building.” 

That’s the why, but distributors must also provide the what. For this, Sawchuk recommends considering soil types and load volume, which will determine the matting length required and what will be necessary to keep it clean. Matting length and width will also be affected by the building’s physical limitations. 

Hulin references ISSA statistics illustrating the impact mat length can have on soil/dirt removal. According to those figures, 6 feet of matting can remove 40 percent of soil/dirt; 12 feet can remove 80 percent of soil/dirt; and 36 feet can remove 99 percent of soil/dirt. 

To achieve these results, however, distributors must be clear to end users that a proper cleaning and maintenance program is necessary. In most facilities, this program will be based on traffic and/or use of the mat.  

Experts agree that daily vacuuming of mats is essential. Beyond that, Hulin suggests recommending end users clean mats every six months to one year for light traffic areas. In moderate traffic areas, mats should be cleaned every 3-6 months. For heavily trafficked locations, weekly, semimonthly or monthly cleaning might be necessary. During snowy or wet seasons, more frequent cleaning may be needed.  

Raising the subject of matting maintenance and cleaning may inspire adoption. For example, many facilities opt for rental mats hoping to save money with the idea of passing the cleaning on to someone else. For clients still on the fence, Sawchuk suggests comparing the return on investment (ROI) of mat ownership versus renting and how generally easy they are to maintain, reviewing the tools/chemicals and procedures involved. 

“No mat lasts forever,” adds McGarvey. “But as with most things, if properly maintained, mats provide safer floors and help reduce cleaning requirements long beyond any sticker shock from the original purchase. Plus, if well placed and well maintained, they play a role in positive first impressions and people enter a facility.” 

Distributors are encouraged to contact their matting suppliers for help creating training and education programs. Suppliers may also assist distributors in selling a comprehensive, integrated matting program. 

According to Cadell, there are two ideal times to address matting programs with customers. 

“It is crucial to discuss matting during building audits,” he says. “It’s also important to circle back with customers who ask for help with a problem that could have been avoided or minimized with a proper matting program. This opens the door to a conversation on how a matting program could prevent other issues.” 

By serving as an educational consultant, distributors can not only showcase the safety benefits of mats, but also lend a helping hand on which type to select, how to install them properly, and how to maintain quality for the entirety of their life cycle.  

Pamela Mills-Senn is a freelance writer from Long Beach, California. She is a frequent contributor to Sanitary Maintenance

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How Mats Improve Occupant Safety, Facility Wellness