Welcome to Supply Line 2014…the largest and most efficient trade show for cleaning professionals on the East Coast! On behalf of the NJSSA, the Association of Mid-Atlantic Cleaning Experts Board of Trustees, thank you for joining us for what promises to be a dynamic event.

This year, we are again pleased to welcome the New England Sanitary Supply Association as our co-sponsor and to offer our thanks to the New Jersey Green Association for also sponsoring the show. Through these collaborations, we have broadened our marketing efforts to reach manufacturers, distributors and cleaning professionals from Maine to Virginia. Their input and participation has made this show the premier business and networking venue in New Jersey for the jan/san cleaning professional, and we look forward to welcoming all attendees to the show.

Education is our focus this year. We have an array of seminars geared toward all our industry sectors — manufacturers, distributors, cleaning professionals and building service contractors. We are excited to present the ISSA CIMS Certification program on Tuesday, April 29. This I.C.E. certification program provides attendees with critical information to help customers meet demands from the highest management levels. The operational and budgetary knowledge learned in this workshop will help position you as an indispensable resource, especially as custodial operations continue to reduce budgets in 2014.

On Wednesday and Thursday, we have sales and training sessions that will inspire and inform our attendees. In addition to the CIMS training, we have scheduled six seminars on sales training, business success for cleaning contractors, networking and social media, and customer communications. We also invite attendees to preview exhibitors’ new products in the “New Product Showcase” area on the show floor. Exhibitors will spend a few minutes sharing their new products and features on both days of Supply Line. The trade show floor will be bursting with new products, demonstrations and great ideas.

In addition to visiting the exhibits, make time to attend some of the social events scheduled around Supply Line. The pre-show golf outing on Tuesday, April 29, will once again take place at the beautiful Harbor Pines Golf Club Estates in Egg Harbor Township. It’s a great way to mix business with pleasure and to catch up with colleagues. My thanks to a terrific list of sponsors who have generously contributed to making this outing another successful and fun Supply Line event.

Also on Tuesday, please join me and fellow Trustees in the evening for the President’s Reception and NJSSA Membership Meeting. Food and drinks will be served. There we will also be honoring the 2014 recipient of the 5th Bob Stader Lifetime Achievement Award, NJSSA’s prestigious merit award to an industry leader.

NJSSA also undertakes many activities on behalf of its members and local communities throughout the year. Our annual Operation Clean Sweep product donations and cleaning days have helped more than 25 community-based organizations in New Jersey. This year, we are compiling all the products exhibited and left at the show to go to the Atlantic City Mission, a truly deserving community-based facility. We also continue to monitor and develop legislation that will enhance green cleaning in our region and protect our members’ interests.

I want to thank all our show sponsors and exhibitors for continuing to support NJSSA, the Association of Mid-Atlantic Cleaning Experts. We hope this high activity level demonstrates the commitment of your Board of Trustees, Committee Members and staff to creating a vital and proactive organization. NJSSA’s purpose is to serve its members. We look forward to your participation in future NJSSA activities and events. We welcome your participation on committees. We want your feedback.

Thank you for joining us for Supply Line 2014. Have a great show!

Steve Lentini
The Weeks-Lerman Group LLC
NJSSA President

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Supply Line 2014 Schedule At A Glance
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Supply Line 2014 Education Sessions