Do adapt to clients’ needs. A successful floor care training program is not set in stone. Just as old practices need to be updated, distributors need to respond to clients’ changing needs.

“When it come to training programs we need to collect as much information as we can so we don’t go in with our agendas or what we think has worked everywhere else,” says Allen. “We can’t cut and paste this stuff. Before a training program begins, I spend time with the people that do the work. I want to know what their puzzle pieces are so I can help them put it together and see the big picture.”

Thompson responded to his clients’ needs by installing 30 square feet of luxury vinyl tile for one of his classes.

“A lot of healthcare facilities today are installing luxury vinyl tile, and people coming to class want to know how to take care of it,” he says. “So I need to look at what type of clients I have and what they’re dealing with, and I need to change my programs as their needs change.”

Do solicit feedback. If distributors want to know whether their floor care programs measure up to the competition, ask the attendees. A survey can help determine if programs are on target or missing the mark.

“Distributors need to listen to their clients and pay attention to the feedback they’re receiving,” says Jefferson. “You need to follow up with them after training, and let them know that you’re with them from the beginning to the end.”

Feedback from attendees led Thompson to introduce new courses.

“At the end of the class we do a survey and ask the clients if we accomplished their goal,” says Thompson. “The survey has 15 other items of knowledge and training, so they can identify what they would like to learn next. The survey helps me determine if I’m providing the services people are asking for, and it helps me prepare classes for the next year.”

Armed with the above recommendations, distributors can build reputable floor care training programs to differentiate their businesses — and keep customers coming back for more.

Kassandra Kania is a freelance writer based in Charlotte, North Carolina. She is a frequent contributor to Sanitary Maintenance.

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Training For Basic Floor Cleaning Tasks Still Important