Fortunately there are products available to address the problems associated with dirty mop water. One of the most popular is the dual-chamber or dual-cavity bucket. These buckets consist of two chambers or compartments; one for the clean solution and the other for the dirty water after the floor has been mopped. A removable wringer attaches to the chamber used for dirty water.

“The clean water compartment transfers water into the soiled water compartment as you use it,” says Gosson. “As you pass the mop through the wringer and evacuate the water, you’re actually doing a transfer from one chamber to the next.”

The advantages of using dual-chamber buckets are more sanitary, hygienic floors, as well as environmental benefits and cost savings.

“You never mop a dirty floor with dirty water,” says Gosson, “and you’re looking at a significant savings in water and chemical usage. There’s less water used because you’re not discharging soiled water as frequently.”

The average single-chamber bucket holds a little under five gallons of water, which is good for cleaning roughly 1,000 square feet. However, a comparable five-gallon, dual-chamber bucket can clean 3,000 square feet. That’s approximately a 66 percent reduction in water and chemical consumption, says Gosson.

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Buckets That Prevent Dirty Mop Water
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Bucketless Mops Utilize Built-in Chemical Reservoirs