Flooring in a commercial facility can last a long time if properly cared for, but ultimately, there will always come a time when it needs to be replaced.
From cracks, scratches and gauges to missing grout, staining and discoloration, there are many different scenarios where a hard floor is deemed at the point of no return and a new floor replacement is needed.
When it comes to selecting new flooring, commercial facilities have a lot of competing facets to deal with. The floor needs to not only look aesthetically pleasing and be able to withstand heavy foot traffic, but most importantly it needs to match up with the facility’s maintenance requirements.
Often, when new flooring is selected, the facility owner works closely with an architect or interior designer. The custodial staff, who is responsible for cleaning the flooring, and the jan/san distributor, who supplies and serves as the facility’s floor care consultant, are completely left out of the decision-making process.
“Unfortunately as distributors, a lot of the times we’re the last ones invited to the party, and the custodial staff is next to last,” says Bill McGarvey, director of training and sustainability for Philip Rosenau Co., Inc., in Warminster, Pennsylvania. “Oftentimes we’re not involved in a lot of those decisions as to what type of flooring is going into a facility and our input is not always solicited. I’ve seen brand new buildings going up, and floor types put in for some good reasons, but really the flooring type was miscast.”
Because distributors are left out of the flooring process, they must be ready to help their customers with just about any situation.
Save On Resilient Flooring Maintenance Costs With Vinyl Composition Tile Alternatives