PROformance DRC wipers are cellulose based, disposable, absorbent and soft, and useful for medium to heavy-duty wiping applications. The wipes are made from 100 percent bonded cellulose and can replace Airlaid wipers. They are available in a variety of setups, including flat, 1/4-fold, pop-up, centerpull, hardwound and kitchen roll towels.
PROformance DRC
Berk International LLC
WebsitePROformance DRC wipers are cellulose based, disposable, absorbent and soft, and useful for medium to heavy-duty wiping applications. The wipes are made from 100 percent bonded cellulose and can replace Airlaid wipers. They are available in a variety of setups, including flat, 1/4-fold, pop-up, centerpull, hardwound and kitchen roll towels.
Products for the Building Service Contractor, In-House Custodial Manager & Jan/San Distributor