The Advanced Lead Acid Battery Consortium (ALABC) recently welcomed back into its membership one of the most respected battery producers in North America, Trojan Battery Company.  As a leading manufacturer of deep-cycle batteries, Trojan is renewing its membership with the ALABC in an effort to actively participate in the consortium’s research program and assist in the continued development of advanced lead-acid and lead carbon batteries for current and emerging markets.

“This is a crucial time for the lead-acid battery industry and Trojan is excited to be a part of the ALABC program once again,” said Gordon Beckley, Trojan’s Senior Vice President of Engineering & Quality.  “We feel there is much that can be accomplished through pre-competitive research efforts, and Trojan is confident the results will be an enormous benefit to the entire battery industry.”

Collaboration with ALABC’s vast international resources played a key role in Trojan’s decision to renew its membership with the consortium.

“We are looking forward to resuming our research relationship with Trojan to continue advancing the capabilities of lead-acid batteries,” said ALABC President Pat Moseley.  “To have them rejoin our membership at this time says a great deal about our industry’s desire to work together toward ensuring lead-acid’s market prosperity as the electrochemical power source of choice in a variety of power applications.”