Findings from a recent study done in the U.K. mirrors similar studies done here in the states: dirty office desks harbor a plethora of germs, which can be easily spread among staff. As a result, businesses are bracing themselves for an increase in sickness absences.

According to Associated Press reporting, the study of desks in hundreds of offices found poor hygiene levels. Germs were found in almost two-thirds of computer keyboards, while some even had mould growing underneath. Phones and desks also had germs.

Computer staff, lawyers and accountants were said to be the most unhygienic office workers, while social workers were more likely to have moldy food on their desks.

The study revealed a staggering two-thirds of office workers admitted to eating lunch at their desks and not cleaning their workstation afterwards. Andust over half of office workers were not aware that bacteria could be lurking on their keyboards, phones and screens.

Experts agree that keeping keyboards, phones and desks as germ free as possible is important throughout the year. But, diligent cleaning is even more important during the cold and flu season.