Researchers from Cleveland VA Medical Center and Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine have recently found that the Clorox Healthcare Optimum-UV System is effective in killing both MRSA and C. difficile spores.
The study, “Effect of Variation in Test Methods of Ultraviolet-C Radiation Room Decontamination,” published in the January issue of Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology (ICHE), describes how different test methods impact the performance of different UV-C decontamination systems (the Clorox Healthcare Optimum-UV System and TRU-D Smart UVC).
In addition to finding both devices equally effective at killing MRSA and C. difficile spores, the study also showed that variations in testing methods, such as spreading of the inoculum, orientation relative to the device and type of organic load, can impact measured reduction in pathogens by UV-C devices during experimental testing.

These findings underscore the need for standardized methods for testing the efficacy of UV-C devices to facilitate meaningful comparative evaluations of device effectiveness. As the market for purchasing UV-C devices continues to grow, standardized laboratory testing methods are increasingly important to ensuring that healthcare facilities can make informed decisions when purchasing devices, considering the possibility for significant differences in performance.
The study also underscores the efficacy of UV-C devices in reducing pathogens in healthcare environments and the importance of proper cleaning and disinfecting prior to device use, as organic soil may reduce the efficacy of UV-C.