Travelers across the country are busy mapping out routes, packing the car and booking hotels for their annual spring break road trips. To support these road warriors, Cintas Corporation announced six tips to help travelers find an ideal pit stop while on spring break trips. It will offer a $500 gas card to one of the first 5,000 individuals to complete a restroom rating on Where to Wee through the end of April. In addition, another $500 gas card will be given away to the individual who submits the most ratings using Where to Wee.

“Whether your spring break road trip includes a cross-country adventure or an interstate day trip, nature will call and finding a clean restroom quickly will become a high priority,” said Dave Mesko, Senior Director of Marketing, Cintas Corporation. “However, it can’t just be any restroom, so that’s where the tips and Where to Wee can come in handy during spring break and any other peak travel season.”

If Where to Wee does not show a rated restroom in your area, Cintas recommends the following tips to help travelers find the best pit stop during trips:

1) Make sure the stop is safe: Often, road trips can leave travelers in areas that are eccentric, unpopulated and sometimes dangerous. Ensure that the chosen stop is well-lit and restrooms are not located in hidden areas. If possible, stop at a restroom that is near other businesses or gas stations to further ensure safety while off the road. The exterior of a rest stop can also be a great indicator of overall safety and condition of the interior.

2) Take a whiff: After a few hours in the car, entering a restroom filled with unpleasant fragrances can bring road trip excitement to a screeching halt. Additionally, disagreeable odors are a key indicator of poor cleaning practices. Upon entering the restroom, ensure you are greeted by a freshly-scented, clean facility. Check for air fresheners with natural, subtle fragrances to make the restroom experience as pleasant as possible.

3) Watch where you step: Stepping on a sticky or wet restroom floor is always an unwelcome experience, even more so after sitting in a car for several hours. Additionally, a clean and well-kept floor is a good indicator that other areas of the restroom will be in top condition. Prior to entering the restroom, check that restroom flooring is free from liquids, contaminants and unknown substances. In addition to flooring, take a peek at toilet and sinks areas to make sure they are clean and functional before committing to using the restroom. If the restroom looks filthy, hop back in the car and find a restroom with a more noticeable dedication to cleaning and disinfection.

4) Check for the basics: After finding a clean, safe and odor-free restroom, look for the essentials, including toilet paper, antibacterial hand soap and paper towels. While traveling with children, check for a clean, functional and sanitized changing table. If the restroom is missing soap or paper products, ask management to refill dispensers so you can get back on the road quickly.

5) Fuel up: Extended periods on the road can often leave travelers with feelings of hunger and a dwindling gas supply. If this is the case, try finding a restroom accompanied by a convenience store, gas station or restaurant. By taking care of restroom needs, gas replenishment and hunger in one stop, getting back on the road can be a quick and seamless process.

6) Help other travelers: If you happen to come across an unrated restroom, help fellow road trippers by using Where to Wee to rate that restroom. Where to Wee is a free iPhone and Android application that allows users to find public restrooms in their vicinity and rate them based on cleanliness. Using the five-point system, rate the restroom based on the availability of soap and toilet paper, the appearance of the sink and toilet areas and odor levels. Before getting back in the car, you can also snap an image of the restroom and upload it to help others preview the restroom before pulling off the road. Since Where to Wee has the largest database of restroom locations compared to other restroom apps, travelers can always find a clean restroom nearby.

“Finding a restroom while on the road doesn’t always have to be a long, frustrating experience for travelers,” added Mesko. “With Where to Wee, it’s easy to locate a nearby restroom that is clean, odor-free and stocked with essentials, while using the review functionality to help fellow travelers do the same.”