Just below middle aged man

Contributed By Andy Attman, Acme Paper & Supply Company

As states start reopening during the easement of COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, businesses and organizations across the country face a new layer of concern: keeping employees and customers as safe as possible from infection while getting back to new normalcy. 

Having a risk mitigation plan in place is the key first step. In order to achieve a safe and successful reopening, companies must consider and plan for the risks employees and customers will likely face. Knowing how to address all of these issues is the heart of any strong reopening plan. Having worked with the healthcare industry for several decades, Acme Paper is well acquainted with the latest approaches to infection control. We work closely with our clients in this field to better address the concerns and needs of all our clients by sharing best practices and helping to adapt plans per industry. We have tailored plans for clients across several industries, including retail, food and beverage, education and office environments. 

Beyond the Blueprint

Of course, ensuring employee and customer safety goes beyond just having a plan. Acme Paper has continued working throughout this pandemic to ensure there are no shortages of key products like disinfectants and personal protective equipment (PPE), including masks, face shields and disposable gowns. We added new partners and vendors to our portfolio to continue providing our clients with a reliable, seamless source of the products they need. We also continued our commitment to offering affordable market prices. 

What Does Your Business Need to Safely Reopen?

This novel pandemic has created high demand for innovative tools and the re-working of traditional materials to help employees and customers effectively practice social distancing and infection mitigation.

Businesses and organizations should include the following tools in their reopening plan at the initial point of contact:

● Safety mats and signage encouraging social distancing, hand washing and mask usage

● Non-slip social distancing floor signage markers

● Touchless infrared thermometers

● Hands-free door openers

● Secured hand sanitizer dispensers

For protection, businesses should implement the following:

● Acrylic shields to protect employees in customer-facing positions, such as cashiers and security guards

● Mobile handwashing systems for locations where access to soap and water is limited, such as job sites and warehouses

● Additional hygiene stations with hand sanitizer, gloves and mask dispensers

● Touchless restroom fixtures, including automatic faucets, soap dispensers, toilets and hand dryers