Halloween might be fast approaching, but the spookiest thing about this time of year isn’t ghosts, ghouls and goblins. No, the greatest terror that unveils itself each fall is the flu.
The 2018-2019 flu season was the longest flu season in a decade, according to experts. The year prior, 2017-2018, was one of the most vicious flu season’s Americans have faced in recent memory.
It is because of this horror that is the flu that the cleaning industry and America as a whole must prepare themselves for the season, which generally starts picking up in late fall and early winter.
Outside of getting a flu shot and then moving into a nuclear fallout shelter until late spring, one of the best ways to avoid the flu is through consistent and proper handwashing. Unfortunately, the majority of Americans do not wash their hands well at all. That’s why it might not be a bad idea to visit the Centers For Disease Control and Preventions website. There people can find resources that raise awareness about the importance of handwashing, like posters and fact sheets that can be pinned up throughout a workspace or office.
To get a better look at these resources, click here.