The pest control market has shown a substantial growth in the recent year. The need for hygienic and pest free environment has boosted the need and demand for pest control services. NOVONOUS estimates that Global Pest Control Services market will grow at a CAGR of 5.52 percent by 2020. This growth is mainly due to increasing economic activity, increase in demand due to rising awareness, urbanization, increasing middle class population, rising spending by governments on public health issue and stringent regulations on hygiene and sanitation.

Pest control services for commercial segment currently the largest market share in Global Pest Control Services market. As per NOVONOUS estimates, Global Commercial Pest Control Services market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.20 percent till 2020.

In terms of geographies, North America currently controls the largest market share in Global Pest Control Services market. As per NOVONOUS estimates, North America Pest Control Services market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.20 percent till 2020.

Asia Pacific controls the second largest market share in Global Pest Control Services market. As per NOVONOUS estimates, Asia Pacific Pest Control Services market is expected to register largest growth rate of 8.50 percent till 2020.

Spanning over 140 pages and 100 exhibits, "Global Pest Control Services Market 2016-2020" report presents an in-depth assessment of the Global Pest Control Services market from 2016 till 2020.

Scope of Global Pest Control Services Market 2016 - 2020 report:

- This report provides detailed information about Global Pest Control Services market including future market forecasts.
- This report identifies the need for focusing on pest control sector.
- This report provides detailed information on segment wise (commercial & residential) growth forecasts for global pest control service market up to 2020.
- This report provides detailed information on geography wise (Asia Pacific, Africa & Middle East, Europe, South America and North America) growth forecasts for global pest control services market up to 2020.
- The report identifies the growth drivers and inhibitors for global pest control services market.
- This study also identifies various environmental policies related to global pest control services market.
- The report identifies various credit, policy and technical risks associated with global pest control services market.
- This report has detailed profiles 10 key players in Global pest control services market covering their business strategy, financial performance, future forecasts and SWOT analysis.
- This report covers in details the competitive landscape in Global pest control services market.
- This report provides Porter's Five Forces analysis for Global pest control services market.
- This report provides SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats) analysis for Global pest control services market.
- This report identifies the key challenges faced by new players in Global pest control services market.
- This report provides future trends and opportunities for pest control services market in India.
- This report also provides strategic recommendations for policy makers, end users, service providers and investors.

Download the full report here.