RedDot Brands has achieved one of the most stringent product certifications available, Green Seal certification to its Standard for Sanitary Paper Products (GS-1). This standard identifies reduced life-cycle impacts of sanitary paper products. RedDot White and Natural roll towels, as well as RedDot Junior Jumbo toilet tissue, received the certification.

RedDot Brands’ products certified by Green Seal conserve natural resources, protect human and environmental health, and reduce waste while delivering performance as good as or better than conventional paper products. In particular, RedDot White and Natural roll towels and Junior Jumbo tissue contain 100 percent recovered materials with significant post-consumer content, and use recyclable packaging. They are also biodegradable and processed without chlorine. By offering these environmentally preferable products to their customers, RedDot Brands demonstrates social responsibility as well as a commitment to the health of the end-user of their products and the environment. To get certified, RedDot Brands submitted to a thorough product evaluation and an in-person manufacturing site audit.

“We are proud that we have achieved Green Seal certification for several of our consumable products,” said Andy Ahrens, Vice President & General Manager of RedDot Brands. “Our goal is to continue to produce more sustainable options in an effort to conserve resources and protect our environment, while maintaining the experience consumers expect.”

Green Seal President & CEO, Dr. Arthur Weissman, said, “We applaud the leadership demonstrated by RedDot Brands. By having their products certified by Green Seal, they actively demonstrate their commitment to human health, the environment, their customers, and consumers.”

The full list of criteria and details for this certification can be viewed at