Budget concept

Last month, CleanLink reached out to readers with the opportunity to share where their department stands on budgets. In particular, readers shared how budgets have fluctuated over the past year, how much is allocated to frontline staff or equipment, and what has been the most frustrating aspect of their current budget. 

Check out the most common response from each of the questions below: 

Has your budget increased, decreased, or stayed the same over the past year?

Cleanlink Readers: Increased — reasons included high staff turnover, and changes to holiday pay for zero-hour contracts. 

What percentage of your budget goes to frontline labor?

Cleanlink Readers: 50-60 percent

What percentage of your budget goes to equipment and/or cleaning tools?

Cleanlink Readers: 20 percent

What's the most frustrating aspect about your current budget?

Cleanink Readers: The delay in invoice payments