conceptual sign with words minimum wage increase ahead over blue sky

In a closely contested vote certain to impact frontline cleaning crews and budgets, Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives recently voted to pass a measure that will see the minimum wage rise from $7.25 hourly to $15 by 2026. The measure, which came at the hands of a 103-100 vote, initiates the first time since 2009 that the state is raising the hourly wage. 

As reported by AP News, the rate hike will be an incremental process over the next few years, starting with an increase to $11 hourly in 2024, $13 in 2025, and then finally to the $15 mark by the end of 2026. Sponsors of the bill indicated that the pay increases hope to address ongoing inflation issues and will serve as a vehicle for working citizens to better afford basic necessities. Those opposed to the bill noted concerns over businesses being able to stay afloat amidst the significant compensation increase that will be required for employees. 

After the latest rise in Pennsylvania, the number of states who have raised the minimum wage above the $7.25 standard in 2009 now reaches 31, including Washington D.C. Read up on another series of minimum wage increases that went into effect earlier this year here