Green cleaning partnership

PathoSans has partnered with Eden Green Technology to cultivate safer and more sustainable food. Eden Green Technology, an indoor agriculture greenhouse developer, is using PathoSans’ sustainable and socially responsible cleaning solutions to clean and maintain its production areas. It is also using PathoSans within its greenhouse management and food safety consulting program.

“We are excited to partner with another technology disruptor making a difference in the world,” says Aaron Fields, director of Horticulture at Eden Green Technology. “PathoSans shares our mission of delivering innovative technology with a focus on social responsibility, safety, self-sufficiency and sustainability.”

PathoSans, a provider of electrochemically activated solutions (ECAS), produces a cleaner and disinfectant with just salt, water and electricity. The products contain no added fragrances and are safe for use on foods and in food preparation areas. The disinfectant eliminates pathogens and molds that can exist on food, where food is grown and in food packaging and preparation areas.

Eden Green Technology prioritizes employee and food safety in its business and its customers’ operations. Its vertical farm technology lowers the risk of foodborne illness outbreaks and pest infestations compared to traditional farming and other indoor agriculture solutions. The company also offers greenhouse management and food safety consulting to ensure its customers can prevent and detect illnesses in their facilities.

“Eden Green Technology is committed to the highest standards of food safety, employee safety and sustainability, and we are proud to partner with them,” says Ken Campbell, sales director, PathoSans. “We’ll work closely with Eden Green Technology to help them maintain clean and safe greenhouse production areas while contributing to their food safety program.”