Two speech bubbles with Spanish flag and text Hablas Espanol? Si! (Do you speak Spanish? Yes!) On a desk with blank notebook and pencil

Nilfisk, a global manufacturer of professional cleaning equipment, announced that it has launched a Spanish College of Learning within Nilfisk University online and mobile applications.

Nilfisk University is the company’s interactive and comprehensive online training and support center that provides customers, dealers and employees with anytime access to in-depth product training, technical service courses, sales and business development classes, informational sales support resources, interactive discussion forums, and more.

Primarily used by Nilfisk’s U.S. customer base, Nilfisk University currently boasts more than 300 different learning modules. The new Spanish College of Learning, which aims to support the company’s growing Latin American market, will initially offer 16 Spanish-translated modules. The number of modules translated will grow to 60 by the end of 2018, with 40 focused on the use and care of Nilfisk equipment sold in Latin America and 20 focused on servicing that equipment.

The Spanish-translated training modules are designed to provide Nilfisk’s Latin American audience with greater support, and the company will continue to expand the number of Spanish trainings available.

"We take training very seriously, because in-depth product knowledge better equips us to advise and service our clients," said Bernardo Martinez Negrete S., Clean Center senior manager. “We represent several international brands, but none offer us a training program as complete as Nilfisk University, which empowers us with the tools to serve as experts on Nilfisk’s machines."

Since launching in 2010, more than 11,000 students have enrolled at Nilfisk University, and more than 55,000 courses have been completed. Also accessible via mobile application, the Nilfisk University Mobile Trainer complements the online tool and factory-based training.

“As an industry leader, Nilfisk is continuously looking for ways to support our dealers and end users and provide best-in- class service and support," said Scott Henderson, vice president of Marketing with Nilfisk. “The Spanish College of Learning does just that by providing our global customer base with the knowledge, resources and tools they need to succeed."