Obit photo of kind old man

Longtime publishing executive B. Don (Don) Rankin, who along with his wife, Linda Rankin, co-own and co-publish Maintenance Sales News; Busline; Broom, Brush & Mop; and Discover Central Illinois publications, died Oct. 25, 2019. He was 76.

Don Rankin spent a career in the publishing business, first as a newspaper editor and, after moving to Arcola, Illinois, in 1977, started Rankin Publishing with his wife. The couple purchased the (Arcola) Record-Herald newspaper and a trade journal. Over the years, the couple also purchased several other weekly newspapers, and added trade magazines Maintenance Sales News, Busline and Discover Central Illinois to the business.

In 2000, the decision was made to focus entirely on the company’s trade magazines.

Rankin Publishing will continue to be owned and operated by Linda Rankin, in Arcola, with Harrell Kerkhoff as editor, and Kevin Kennedy as advertising director.

Don Rankin was born on June 6, 1943, in Princeton, Missouri, the son of William Harrison and Mary Zella Busby Rankin. Along with his wife Linda Rankin, Don Rankin is survived by the couple’s two sons, William Jason (Sarah) Rankin, of Edwardsville, Illinois, and Donald Chase (Lynn) Rankin, of Las Vegas. Other survivors include his brother, Dr. W. Dale (Nancy) Rankin, of Joplin, Missouri, and four grandchildren, Sophia Zella Rankin, of Edwardsville, and Cale Squires, Madison Rankin and Caden Rankin, of Las Vegas.

He was a graduate of Northeast Missouri State (Truman State) University where he was a member of Blue Key academic honorary society and president of Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity.

Along with the publishing business, Don Rankin was very active in the Arcola community where he was a proud citizen and supporter until his death. He and Linda are lifelong members of the United Methodist Church, and he served the Arcola United Methodist Church as a representative on various committees and boards. He was also a past president of the Arcola Chamber of Commerce and the Arcola Sports Boosters, along with being a member of the Arcola Music Boosters and other community organizations, and a willing volunteer for community events. He was a board member of the Arcola Foundation for 30 years, serving as its vice president. He and Linda were named grand marshals of the Arcola Broom Corn Festival in 2016.

Shrader Funeral Home, of Arcola, handled arrangements. Memorials may be made to the Arcola United Methodist Church (121 S. Locust St., Arcola, IL 61910), and the Arcola Foundation (127 S. Oak St., Arcola, IL 61910).