For the third year running, Johnson County is recognizing ITW Dymon and its efforts for reducing waste and conserving resources by awarding them with a 2012 Emerald Award, the highest honor awarded by the Johnson County Kansas Green Business Recognition Program.
ITW Dymon is one of fifteen businesses to be honored this year for its innovative recycling programs, green purchasing policies and waste reduction measures. ITW Dymon has diverted 92 percent of its landfill waste since 2007 and is currently on pace to have less than 10 tons of landfill waste in 2012; a much improved number from its record high year in 2007 with 313 tons. The ultimate goal for ITW Dymon is to become a zero waste facility.
"We are extremely honored to be recognized by Johnson County for our sustainability efforts. Our employees have taken great pride in our sustainability programs and we continue to search for new ways to be a good corporate citizen." Andy Merriam, ITW Dymon Manufacturing Manager said in response to receiving this latest honor.
All applicants completed an application ranking their achievements in categories of waste reduction, reuse and recycling, outreach and education, and policies. Points were assigned for the achievements and applicants had to meet a minimum of five mandatory actions.
The self-nominated awardees include schools, a grocery store, manufacturing companies, an insurance company, several offices and a hospital to name a few.