The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) is now accepting nominations for the Keith Williams Award.
The Keith Williams Award was created to honor its namesake, an industry pioneer who volunteered his time and technical abilities to the IICRC for many years. The award honors individuals who have made significant technical contributions to the inspection, cleaning and restoration industry.
“The Keith Williams Award shines a light on some of the brightest minds in our industry,” says IICRC Chairman Pete Duncanson. “We’re fortunate to meet a new batch of nominees whose technical innovations and expertise inspire all of us.”
The winner of the Keith Williams award will be announced at the Annual Instructors Meeting (AIM), Sept. 28, in Las Vegas. The winner will receive a special plaque and will be recognized in the IICRCToday eNewsletter.
To submit a nomination, visit https://iicrcmarketing.typeform.com/to/zU5Zeb. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, July 31.
For more information about the Keith Williams Award, contact Jennifer Petersen at jpetersen@mulberrymc.com.