Obboarding job concept

Employee retention is the name of the game these days — especially in the cleaning industry where turnover can be especially egregious. While successfully hiring a promising candidate can go cause for celebration, the real challenge has just begun when it comes to ensuring they are here for the long haul. A critical factor in whether a successful hire comes to fruition is the ob-boarding process, namely the procedures they go through, people they talk to and the mentors they may (or may not) have along the way. To help give hiring managers better clarity, Jotform laid out several applicable strategies to help distributors, building service contractors (BSCs) or in-house cleaning departments optimize the onboarding process. 

1. Learn from the Past. Whether successful or a failure, a lot of insight into an onboarding process can be gained from studying employees from the past. Be it simple observations or direct feedback from the new hires themselves, there’s always data that can be applied to improving protocols, whether it’s the way new informations shared, or even how long a training session may be. 

2. Craft a Plan Based on Position. A cookie-cutter approach to onboarding can leave new hires either underprepared or oversaturated with information that may not be directly pertinent to their responsibilities. Whether it’s a custodian or distributor salesperson, be sure to make the activities, goals, or resources tailored to what they will be taking on. Meeting with employees within the first week of their start date to discuss expectations and needs can help to develop a more targeted plan.

3. Create a FAQ. A FAQ — or “frequently asked questions” page, can be na easily-accessible tool for employees to understand the reasoning or methods behind protocols, which is especially valuable if a manager isn’t always around to answer directly. It also gives the impression that the organization keeps track of what employees need and is willing to create something to address it. 

4. Utilize Videos. While it shouldn’t be the only tool, videos are a great way to break up the medium in which information is presented to employees so the process doesn’t become repetitive or forgettable. It also provides a fool-proof way to ensure important details or instructions aren’t accidentally forgotten,. 

5. Branding the Process. Even if the employee doesn’t end up using it, providing merchandise such as t-shorts, hats, or water bottles never hurts during the onboarding process. It’s an easy way to get them excited about being part of something new, while also providing a potential conversation starter about their new job during their free time. 

For additional onboarding tips from CleanLink, click here