Nearly $117,000 was spent to clean campuses in nine Texas school districts during the Ebola outbreak in late 2014, say reports out of Austin, Texas. Medical professionals deemed the precautionary cleaning unnecessary, but district officials in the Dallas area approved the spending in an effort to keep children and staff safe after an area man succumbed to the virus.

It was suspected that the man may have come into contact with five area students, prompting several schools in the immediate area to implement precautionary disinfecting processes.

According to reports, one district about 120 miles away spent nearly $36,000 for the cleaning and closed for three days after learning that two students may have traveled on the same flight as an infected nurse from the area. Another school spent $13,000 to purchase all new aerosol germicidal spray. Yet another spent an additional $32,000 on supplementary cleaning. Other schools spent lesser amounts.

District superintendents support the response to the crisis, but representatives from the Dallas County Medical Society stress that there was no evidence to support the spending. Officials added that the response to close schools for deep cleanings “would send the wrong message about the risk of contracting the disease.”

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