According to reporting from ISSA, the General Services Administration (GSA) intends to launch 10 new government-wide strategic sourcing solutions in the next two years by targeting a range of products and services that all agencies use, such as cleaning supplies, tools and wireless devices. The announcement comes a month after the Office of Management and Budget ordered GSA to launch five strategic sourcing initiatives in fiscal 2013 and 2014.

ISSA's Bill Balek comments that one of these new solutions will apply to jan/san supplies. Jan/san includes supplies and equipment (excluding services) such as chemical cleaners, trash bags, paper towels, toilet paper, mops, floor buffers, etc. Despite the exclusion of services, the strategic sourcing supplies and equipment will be available for purchase by those providing the services in an attempt to lower costs to the government.

ISSA attended the Jan. 31 “Listen to Industry Day” at which GSA stated that one on one meetings will be available for jan/san suppliers starting February 1, 2013. GSA is planning to issue an Request for Quotation in June 2013, Award in August 2013 with Implementation also in August 2013. The goal of implementing strategic sourcing methods is to greatly reduce the variance in quality, increase efficiency, reduce costs, and increase the participation of small businesses and AbilityOne organizations.