Medicine doctor and robotics research and analysis. Diagnose checking coronavirus or covid-19 testing result with virtual screen in laboratory, Inhibition of disease outbreaks and Medical technology

The Global Biorisk Advisory Council, (GBAC), a Division of ISSA, today announced Michael Diamond, the co-founder and executive director of The Infection Prevention Strategy (TIPS), has joined its leadership team. Diamond will serve as a senior director with GBAC and lead efforts related to innovation, technology, and GBAC-TIPS.

“Michael is dedicated to raising awareness about global health issues and showcasing unique and effective methods that can help us overcome these challenges,” says GBAC Executive Director Patricia Olinger. “He brings an immeasurable level of expertise to our leadership team, which in turn will have a positive impact on the organizations and individuals who rely on GBAC for the latest insights on cleaning, disinfection, and infection prevention.”

Prior to founding TIPS, Diamond spent a decade in executive positions with commercial cleaning companies. He has worked with entrepreneurs, inventors, corporations, organizations, and governments around the world to vet, validate, market, and promote promising new technologies and processes in global health. Diamond also created and developed the TIPS Journal; TIPS Deep Dive interview series featuring inventors, scientists, and leaders; TIPS Science to Market program; TIPS Master Series educational platform; and the TIPS Strategic Partnership Initiative and conference series across the United States, Canada, and United Kingdom.

“I founded TIPS to share the science behind the innovations, ideas, and processes that are advancing global health,” says Diamond. “The COVID-19 pandemic has made the world more aware of the role that infection prevention and response play in protecting our wellbeing. I am honored to join GBAC’s leadership team and look forward to supporting infectious disease preparation, response, and recovery.”